Not Weighting for Summer

When I posted my last weight loss goal a month ago, I really had hoped to ramp up my steps outside in March to drop some of the weight I gained over winter. That did not happen to the magnitude I had hoped. Take a look at this modest increase in steposity.

Yawn. Big deal, right? This local election I’m in kept me behind my computer screen a bit too much, and my exercise activity became very sporadic and erractic. But take a look at this new high water mark in stepitude for me.

That 20K+ step/crank day was from a combo of walking and biking to distribute election campaign literature. I thought the biking would make things easier, but I’m not so sure. Getting on and off a bike 100+ times was no picnic. 100% walking may have been the better idea and may have pushed me over the 25K step mark. But I do think the people I saw that day got a kick out of the local politician biking to their house rather than driving. Go green!

The end result was better than I expected. I was trying to lose 1 pound in March. I lost 2! I am now 10 pounds away from my goal weight. That would be the weight where people ask me if I have a serious illness. Believe me, it is still a safe weight. I was running long distance races many years ago at a 25 pound lighter weight. I would be very comfortable and still a bit charmingly puffy at only 10 pounds down.

So, I have a weight loss goal of 10 pounds with 5 months until the end of summer. That means I will have to lose (let’s see, divide and carry the 3), well, some poundage each month. Let’s try for 2 pounds down in April.

There are a few factors that could keep me from that goal:

  • My natural sloth (Note to self: good name for a band)
  • My love for food (Note to self: good name for my autobiography)
  • My need to repack my bike’s front hub (Note to reader: not a euphemism)

We’ll see how it goes in April. So far, after 3 days, zero pounds lost with Easter looming. That sounds like a recipe for chocolate and disaster. I may need to significantly ramp up the steppage. Weight and see what happens.