A Cure for a Symptom of the Cure

Mental health is no laughing matter, same as this blog most of the time. I had no idea that mental health medications caused uncontrollable movements called tardive dyskinesia. I know, easy for me to say. I was fascinated watching the following commercial that offered a medication to control the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia caused by the mental health meds. Why did I find it so fascinating? Well, this medication clearly causes yet another problem as shown in this commercial that nobody is talking about.

Oh, sure, this new med can cause the usual depression, suicidal thoughts, irregular heartbeat, and … abnormal movements? Isn’t that what it is supposed to cure?

But for me, the biggest problem is that apparently you have to walk around everywhere with a mustard yellow cup in your hand all the time. Will there then be another medication that allows you to put the cup down? A cure for a symptom of the cure for a symptom of a cure for the illness? Late on a Friday night, there’s only one Cure I care about.

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